Today was a good day

Today was a good day. I used a snake my friend lent me and actually managed to unclog our downstairs kitchen sink, which was so stopped up that the water would stand for days. I had never managed to use a plumbing snake before, so I was VERY pleased with my successful efforts today.

My friend was able to sub for me again, which was just amazing. She covered my classes for five of my six days out. Having her in my classroom made it so, SO much easier to be absent.

My husband felt a lot better today – and even cooked two meals!

Which tasted so good! Because I can still smell and taste and I don’t take it for granted!

I worked out and felt great. I’m sure I’ll be very sore tomorrow, but it felt so good to strengthen my body after taking a week off.

My son rocked it doing some challenging third grade math, and caught some mythical epic in his Prodigy math game, which he was very happy about.

My daughter got her science project done. She painted the diagram with water colors, instead of using google drawing, which was pretty cool. Also, her friend from school dropped off her English binder so she could finish her essay by Wednesday. That was very nice of her.

Both schools confirmed that our kids can come back as soon as they get a negative test – they don’t have to wait out the remainder of the 10 day isolation. My daughter tested so lightly this afternoon that I’m fairly certain she was test negative tomorrow afternoon and be able to go to school on Wednesday. My son’s test indicates he will likely be staying home the rest of the week, which is a real bummer because he feels fine and he’s bored out of his mind and making everyone miserable.

And the best part of today was… I got a negative PCR test! Which means I get to go to work tomorrow! I don’t know if anyone has ever been as happy to go back to work as I am right now. I need to get out of my house and away from my family. And since no one can sub for me tomorrow, I need to be in my classroom! So tonight I DON’T have to write sub plans because tomorrow I will be at school! This is very, very good news.

I will, of course, being wearing a kn95 mask all week, and for the rest of the school year. Well, maybe at some point I’ll take it off, since I’m more protected now then I’ll ever be! Maybe after Memorial Day weekend I’ll take it off…

It’s been weird to retreat from the world so thoroughly. The last time we did this everyone else was doing it too. We were stuck at home, but we knew everyone else was doing the same thing we were. But isolating was so different – the rest of the world just kept doing its thing, while we sat shuttered inside. It’s going to be so weird to go to school tomorrow, knowing they were in my classroom for over a week without me. I have never missed an entire week of school, not in 18 years of teaching. It’s going to be so weird to go back.

And I’m so happy I finally can!


  1. HURRAH! YOU TODAY IN SCHOOL AND (fingers crossed) YOUR DAUGHTER TOMORROW. So very happy for you. Good your husband is taking a turn towards solid improvement in time to be the full-time son supervisor.
    Hoping you and daughter can see visiting family! Masks on but at least seeing in person!
    Congratulations on the snake work also. I have done lots of u-joint disassembly and reassembly but sometimes it really does take a snake to clear things. Paying for professional plumber is a LOT of money these days. Am glad you have ended the standing water issue. NICE achievement for sick leave.
    Which amde me think: Maybe dad can supervise the restless son running a vacuum while you and daughter are at school…. Clean house for your return (exhausted from overdoing) and super learning/training experience for son!

  2. Glad you are feeling better! I think I may need to invest in a plumbing snake myself (the only snake I will ever allow in my house!! lol). Our one bathroom sink is always very slow to drain. I’ve tried using the old baking soda & vinegar trick and have had some success with that, but it doesn’t last more than a month before it starts draining more and more slowly… and then I have to do it again. Sigh.

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