Too tired to post

Today kinda wrecked me. It felt like chaos all day at school. Between the end of Trimester 1 and the start of Trimester 2 and my absences and the Thanksgiving break… it was a lot of running around and not feeling prepared. I really just need this week to be over.

But it’s not yet. It’s only Tuesday. And there is still much to get done. Especially if we want to give the kittens more space starting Saturday. Peeping the house for two tiny chaos agents that can fit literally anywhere has been quite the reckoning. I’ve had to deal with all sorts of shit I just pushed into corners. We’re also realizing how few of our doors really shut properly. Our house is, at its core, pretty shitty. It’s a bummer to be reminded just how many things don’t work right, and won’t ever work right unless we spend hundreds, probably thousands of dollars to fix them.

It’s sobering. But it’s not like we didn’t know these things. We just got to ignore them for the last ten years.

But tomorrow someone is coming to see if the downstairs heater can be fixed. And someone else is coming to fix the washing machine, which is leaking yet again.

When does one just give up and buy a new washing mashing? I’ve easily spent as much fixing it as it would cost to replace it. And it’s 10 years old. But it’s so bad for the world to throw it away. Sigh, I never know what the answer is and the decision fatigue is real.

Let’s just hope we’re not throwing too many hundreds of dollars away tomorrow. I put in the paper work for my dependent child care account reimbursement, so that will help.

How is your week going?

1 Comment

  1. Thank you. All of that on top of fact you are still fighting off the infection is just plain a LOT of hard work and it is exhausting just reading about it. Sympathy and support.
    Also huge hopes that today, Wednesday went more smoothly and that the repairs hold and machines do not fail.
    I believe the appliance people said average life span of washer & dryer is about 10 or so years depending on how much laundry has to be done. Yes, this planned obsolescence is obscene and unnecessary but I do not rule the world at all.
    Do you get all next off or just a short week? Think you really need M-F off to fully reset and be refreshed. BEST WISHES!!

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