Trip recap (plus upcoming trips)

We will be doing a lot of traveling this summer, so I want to revisit what we did well, and not so well, on the last trip.


  • We definitely packed everything we needed. I didn’t have to go to Target (or anywhere else) to buy anything once we were there! This may be a first! (It probably helps that my kids are older and simply need fewer things now.)
  • We didn’t buy too many groceries! This is a big one because we have been known to leave quite a few items at my uncle’s house (much to his chagrin). This year we only left two things! We ate everything else we bought, and that is because we bought WAY less. I decided that if my kids only got to eat 2-3 things at home for 10 days that was fine. We ate out enough that they didn’t go crazy. And also they need to “broaden their horizons” if they are going to complain about limited menus on trips.
  • We (REALLY) relaxed screen time limits, so we could all get some down time. This was especially important at the front and back ends when my husband wasn’t there, and I was tired.
  • I worked out five times! This was over 12 days (I count the two travel days). I ran twice and worked out with a video three times. I am quite pleased about this. I hope to do the same in London (a mixture of running and 30 minutes videos. I will be packing my old running shoes just to walk around London, and that is really the hardest part. I can also just pack one or two workout outfits and wash them and leave them to hang dry. The only thing I’d change is I brought a resistance band that wasn’t necessary – I will not be packing that for London.


  • We packed everything we needed but we also packed more than we needed (mostly clothes). This was because laundry and dryers were available to us in two of three places we stayed. I hope to pack less for London (checked bags will not be free on our next flights, and I’ve read it’s not a great tine to let your bags leave your sight), though knowing the laundry/dryer set up at the AirBnB will not be what I’m used to (less capacity and cleaning/drying will take a lot longer) makes this lesson less helpful.
  • While I’m glad I relaxes screen time limits, I do think my kids would have been amenable to reading more if I had forced the issue, especially at night. I will definitely make them read some more in the evenings in London.
  • We probably ate out too much. I haven’t got back over my credit card bill yet but it’s going to be high. In London I hope we can be a little more strategic about eating out (our AirBnB has a kitchen, so we can cook there).

And now it’s already Friday! Whoops!

I’m going on a rafting trip this weekend, then we leave for London on Monday. The person who planned the rafting trip can’t actually come now, and a bunch of other people bailed too. We couldn’t get our money back, and a few good friends are still going, so I’m still going. It’s been really stressful getting ready for it, and I’ve wondered more than once if it’s a mistake to go, but I’m locked in at this point. Once I finally packed myself for it (Thursday afternoon), I felt better. I’m really sad my friend won’t be there. I haven’t seen him in years and I was very much looking forward to celebrating his birthday, but sadly we’ll have to do that without him there.

I actually packed the kids and myself for London last night. I can’t believe I managed that, but now that I did, I feel much better about everything (especially the rafting trip). Everything is packed in packing cubes, which means we can easily move it all to carry-on bags last minute if we decide that is best (I’m increasingly leaning towards this option, as the articles I’m reading about lost luggage in Europe are freaking me out).

The London trip has been causing a fair amount of stress too. I don’t want to enumerate all the stressors here, because at this point they are either resolved or completely out of our hands, but I have been doubting the trip would even happen. And it still might not, but there is less chance of it being cancelled every day, so I’ll just keep crossing my fingers and hope for the best. I’m looking forward to this trip, but I won’t be devastated if it doesn’t happen. I’m as stressed about it (the length of the flight, the amount of community spread happening in England right now, being the center of the parents-husband-kids-sister wheel of expectations while we’re there) as I am excited about it, so if it’s cancelled it will be as much of a relief as a disappointment. At least that is how it feels right now, and that has helped me manage all the uncertainty this past week.

And now it’s late and I’m tired and I have a lot to do tomorrow before I BART to the East Bay to get picked up for the rafting trip.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Enjoy London! It’s roasting hot there at the moment, so maybe that’ll help pack lighter. But that could change at any moment.

    We haven’t had any UK bag drama but fly out of Scotland rather than London. If you can manage a carryon, it might not be a terrible idea. You could also check en route back as it matters less on the way out.

    1. Yeah, we’ve been watching the weather reports (and headlines!) about the heat wave. It’s supposed to crest on Tuesday (the day we get in) and then start cooling off. I really hope that happens!

  2. Enjoy your London trip, we are travelling in the opposite direction from the UK (Scotland) to the USA via Canada. Also seriously considering carry on luggage only as I have seen the horror stories too and have little hope we will arrive in Hawaii along with our luggage. Also we are traveling around the US so by the time our luggage catches up with us we will have moved on.

    Hopefully you will have a trouble free journey and a great time in London. Was in London recently and it was nice to see all the tourists are back ………

    1. Yeah, if I were moving around a lot I would definitely not check anything. We’ll be at the same AirBnB for the whole 10 days, and I still don’t want to have to deal with finding and claiming lost luggage. Good luck with your travels! I hope it all works out and you have a great time!

  3. Hope you have fabulous raft trip and the best guides on the river. Shall be thinking of you and wishing you joy.
    Congratulations on having London trip packed. Big achievement. Fingers crossed trip still happens and it is wonderful time of laughter and and wonder.
    Wishing you also a fabulous birthday and a peaceful new year around the sun…..

  4. We talked to friends tonight who returned from London a week ago. They said Heathrow was a nightmare and they never got their bags during their 2 week trip (they got them back at home a couple of days ago). So echoing what others said, probably best to carry on!
    Otherwise, London is one of my favorite cities to visit. I hope your trip is great.

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