Weekend Wins

It was a good weekend. It was a long weekend! And a long weekend was exactly what I needed after what felt like a VERY long week.

Some wins this weekend were:

Friday was a minimum day which means I got 1.5 extra hours of prep in the afternoon and I still left at 2:30 (a little before we would normally get out at 3:10).

I took back two pairs of Madewell jeans AND didn’t get anything on the sale rack there or at Athleta! Woot!

Assisting at the dojo was pretty fun, and I picked up pupusas (six for $20! And they are so good!) as we left.

My husband and I started watching Irma Vep on Max. I have a major crush on Alicia Vikander and my husband loves the director (Olivier Assayas) so we’re both quite happy with it.

Saturday morning at the dojo was fun. My final sparring was with a friend who is basically at the same level as me, but it’s clear she has gotten a lot better at ground grappling while I was away all summer. It definitely lit a fire under my butt to start going to sparring more.

My parents picked up the kids Saturday afternoon and my husband and I had a date night. One of our favorite local restaurants got a liquor license (tl;dr it’s SUPER hard/expensive to get them in SF) and their new drinks menu is amazing. We also saw Bottoms at the Alamo Drafthouse. Bottoms was great. The Alamo Drafthouse was great. It was a really fun night.

Sunday morning was slow and low key. My husband made breakfast and we watched more Imra Vep. We walked to the library to return a book our daughter had kept too long (we couldn’t renew it) and to get coffee and sweat treats at a favorite local spot.

At 1pm I took our bikes down to ride with my parents and kids. My son’s bike was having some brake issues, but after we resolved them we all had a nice time. I’m glad we got them back out on their bikes again.

Sunday night our daughter went to her other grandparents’ house and my son, husband and I watched two episodes of the new One Piece show on Netflix, which is based on one of my son’s favorite manga series. Surprisingly, we all liked it a lot.

Today I woke up with the alarm I forgot to turn off, but then I fell back asleep (at least for a bit). It was nice knowing I didn’t have to get up and get ready for work at 6am.

My husband, son and I played some of the new MarioKart levels this morning. Now I’m working out on the elliptical (it’s so foggy that I couldn’t rally to run, and since I’m not training for anything right now, I’m letting myself take a break on running until I really want to do it). After breakfast my son and I will hit up the Academy of Sciences for a bit. Then we’ll come home and watch another One Piece before daughter comes home. We’ll probably play the new MarioKart levels with her, then we plan to listen to some The Hollow Boy (third Lockwook & Co book) while we draw and play solitaire.

All in all it was the weekend I needed. This week at work will be a little more low key, but next week is crazy again (with what I’m teaching at school, and the fact that I’m signed up to teach Basics at the dojo on Monday).

I read a blog post about “letting go of heaviness” that spoke to me. Sometimes I’m not sure exactly what I’m feeling emotionally, but “heaviness” definitely fits and I appreciated that feeling being articulated for me. Now I need to work on recognizing it, accepting it, and then deciding if I want to continue holding it. I hope to work on letting go of heaviness more this month.


  1. Oooh, I just looked up “Irma Vep” and I’m totally going to try to talk DH into watching it with me. Thanks for the rec!

    Sounds like a lovely weekend with the fam. šŸ™‚

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