Who are you?

I thought I’d start NaBloPoMo (on the fourth day) with a little intro post. My About page is… playful? Fun? Annoying? Definitely not helpful. So if some new people are going to stop by this month, I might as well let them know who I am.

And I just can’t get the caterpillar from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland out of my head. So I’m adding him too.

So who am I?

I’m a 43 year old middle school Spanish teacher. I live in San Francisco (the super expensive doom loop city!) with my husband (of 15 years this winter!), my 13-year-old daughter and my 10-year-old son. Oh, and my two kitten cats (they just turned one this summer) and a bearded dragon. We have a house on the south (aka more affordable) side of the city, that we “bought” (feels weird to say that when it’s not even half paid off) 11 years ago. We had to rent out our in-law unit to pay our mortgage for a while, but after a $20K buy out we get to walk behind our car to our bedroom! Four years later and it’s still glorious to have two bathrooms, for real for real.

I am around middle schoolers ALL DAY so I sometimes talk like them. No cap.

Who else am I? I have ADHD, which I treat with a Ritilin-equivalent. I was on anti-depressants for over 10 years before my ADHD diagnosis and none of them worked and I’m SO THANKFUL for ADHD medication. It saved me.

I started blogging 15 years ago when I was trying to get pregnant and processing my ectopic pregnancy. I found an incredible online community around that and wrote copious amounts of words a week on my previous blog. I closed shop there a while back and briefly tried posting under my real name, but shut that down pretty quickly. I’ve been writing anonymously again in this space for close to a decade. I don’t post photos of myself or my family here, and I’m not on social media (at all) because I’m terrified of my students finding me and making me miserable. Also social media is not my friend. Or even my frenemy. The fear is real and I will never overcome it.

But blogging was my literal world for several years there. When that community of ALI (Adoption, Loss, Infertility) bloggers slowly fell away (as people just stopped writing after they completed their families with our without children), I was left with a rather sizeable hole (gaping felt like a strong word to use in an intro, but it’s appropriate).

I’ve kind of stumbled along here despite never really finding that community again. I think part of why I’m excited to participate in NaBloPoMo this year is I love the idea of finding some of that online comradery again.

We shall see…

Sorry I’m ping ponging all over the place. Turns out it’s hard to pin down who I am…

I have lived in SF for over 20 years. Before that I was at UC Berkeley and before that at my parents’ house on the peninsula (near where I now work). I spent seven-ish years in Hong Kong as a kid, when I was very young and then from 2nd to 7th grade. I really loved living in Hong Kong and thrived on the independence I was allowed there. I had a hard time in middle school when I got back. 7th and 8th grade were truly some of the worst years of my life. I find it kind of hilarious that I ended up there in perpetuity.

But I love my job. I really do. My native language is not Spanish, but I fell into this job 20 (!!) years ago and am so grateful I did. I get to fly under a lot of the radars that regularly force public school teachers out of the classroom, and I get to flex my creativity when I have the time and energy to do so. I’ve built a really popular program that exploded this past year and I’m learning what “be careful what you wish for” really means. But I don’t regret it. At least, I don’t want to.

I work out a fair amount. Right now I run and strength train and practice martial arts. I’m a blue belt at a dojo that blends karate and tae kwan do. I also run for run because how can you not when the weather is beautiful all year round. I swam competitively in high school but destroyed my shoulder and stopped (I was never very good – I swam mostly for the friends, and the endorphins). I cycled a lot with my parents in my 20s and have ridden several centuries. I love to run and have completed one marathon and several half marathons. I also dabbled in rock climbing for several years. Basically I love to move my body and feel strong, and exercise is my number one go-to for mental health management.

My relationship with San Francisco can be complicated. I love this city, but it can be really hard to raise a family here. Especially on the salaries of a public middle school teacher and a city employee. We’re both pretty high on our salary schedules, but it never seems to be enough. We live in a pretty modest house, and only have one car, but we’re also in one of the most expensive areas in the US. We’re lucky we got into our house when we did. We plan to leave when we’re wheeled to assisted living (if we make it that long). Our kids go to public schools in the city, and even though the district can drive me all kinds of crazy, I believe strongly in public education and that is where we intend to keep them.

My husband works for the city, where he was born and raised. You don’t meet a lot of born-and-raised San Franciscans who still live here. He’s a unicorn. He loves the city. His job is centered around trying to improve it. It can be demoralizing to attempt to do that. But he always knows what is happening and we really do take advantage of our urban lifestyle. We go to museums and music events regularly. Our kids are learning to get around by themselves on the buses and trains they take with us every day. I love this life for them, and I’m glad we’re lucky enough to be living it.

I have to stop now, and I’m sure there are things I’ll be shocked I forgot to mention, but I’ll feel those feelings when it they hit. Because right now I need to schedule this, shower, and start some laundry.

This is how excited I am about NaBloPoMo. I hope you’re more excited to be here than my cats. 😀


    1. I know! I have so many questions for you. I want to pick your brains on so many topics. I know it will happen eventually. 😉

  1. I lived in San Francisco for 7 years when I was in my 20s, and I loved it. I’m glad you were able to buy a house, I know how crazy expensive it is. We bought a townhome in Walnut Creek in 1998 (I’m about 15 years older than you) and there is no way we would be able to afford it now.

    I 100% support your thoughts on Social Media. I’m on Facebook and really enjoy it, but if I were a middle school teacher, there is no way.

    I’ve been blogging since 2005, and it has peaks and valleys for me. At first I had a lot of IRL friends blogging, and we mostly kept up with each other, and then somehow other folks came along, and that was great. Then I branched out and ‘met’ other bloggers, and had a bigger community. And then a lot of folks shuttered their blogs, so I was left with just a couple of bloggy friends, and I didn’t do much of anything to try to expand it. Then last year I joined this NaBloPoMo group that San hosts, and it has revitalized my blogging. SO, if that’s what you are looking for, I think you will be happy to be part of this group! Welcome!

    1. Yay! So fun to hear from another blogger in the area who has had a similar experience with the peaks and valleys of blogging. I can’t wait to start reading you! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Thanks so much for the introduction, Noemi. I feel like I know a lot more about you now 🙂 I come from a family of teachers (both my parent, sister, cousin and his partner are) and appreciate the work that you do so much!

    I absolutely love that you’ve been blogging for such a long time (I started my blog in 2004!) and am excited that you stumbled into our revived blogging community!!

    1. Yes! I am so excited for this. I’ve been away this weekend so I haven’t started properly reading other blogs and commenting, but I’m going to start that this week.

  3. THANK YOU for this post but also for including the post from SAN so I could find more bloggers who are currently writing.
    LOVE the wall treatment in your photo with the cats! And fun to see the mirror showing the opposite wall too. You really have a decorating flair that I simply do NOT have.

    1. Thanks for noticing my wall treatment. I’ll send a proper post about that because it’s something I’m quite proud of. 😉

  4. Great post! I hope you find the community here that you’re looking for. I’ve only been blogging for a few years, but this is my third NaBloPoMo and it’s REALLY helped me find my group of blogging friends.
    You have an interesting life! Some similarities to mine although I live in South Florida (so, almost as far away as I could possibly be while still being in the same country.) I can’t wait to read more from you!

    1. It has it’s interesting moments for sure. I can’t wait to learn more about you this month too!

    1. I’m glad it felt worthwhile. And yes, my cats are scene stealers. They will make more appearances this month.

  5. Nice to get to know you a little Noemi. Thank you for the introduction. I started blogging through NaBloPoMo last year and I hope you have as much fun and sense of community with it as I felt (and again feel this year). Thank you for being a teacher. It’s a job I would not be able to do – I am just not that good at teaching but having a middle and one highschooler I am so grateful for the people who do. We had our fair share of vacant teacher positions and it was no joke. I live in the East Bay with my family and see San Francisco across the Bay all the time but almost never make it there anymore.

    1. Nice to meet you too! I also see the East Bay but rarely go over that way these days. We’re hoping to visit friends in Oakland this weekend. I’ll think of you as I cross the bridge!

  6. You have such an interesting life! It is a life well lived. I love reading your blog. Thanks for putting it out there.

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