5 Five’s on a Friday

Five things I’m looking forward to this weekend:

  1. The State Comedy Show (SFSketchFest) Saturday morning
  2. Celebrity Autobiography (SFSketchFest) Saturday afternoon
  3. Dinner and drinks with my sister and husband Saturday evening
  4. Some downtime on Sunday
  5. Doug Benson Interrupts (SFSketchFest) Sunday evening

Five things I’m not looking forward to this weekend:

  1. Assisting at the dojo tonight (I just have way too much to do, but it was the best Friday to do it for a number of other reasons)
  2. Prepping to welcome a new class of 6th graders on Monday (we’re switching at the “semester” even though we’re a trimester school). I am not a fan of switching classes mid-year like this. Boo.
  3. All the rain forecast for this busy weekend
  4. Waking up at 6am on Sunday morning to get my daughter to school for her Robotics Competition
  5. Being with people ALL DAY Saturday. Everything is going to be so fun, and I’m also going to be exhausted by the end of it. I wish it weren’t all right in a row.

Five things I have to do this weekend:

  1. So much laundry, even though I’ll barely be home to do it.
  2. Two workouts (still not sure when I’m going to fit one in on Saturday, I might do one late night Friday instead).
  3. Deep cleaning my son’s room so my sister won’t have an allergy attack when she sleeps there Saturday.
  4. A lot of grading and prep work on Sunday.
  5. Plan next week. It’s going to be busy!

Five things I don’t have to do this weekend (because I already did!):

  1. Pick up the house before my sister comes (because it’s still picked up!)
  2. Cut the cats’ nails and do a big clean on their litter box. Both horrible, thankless tasks.
  3. Make/freeze lunch pancakes (I almost punted this last weekend but I’m SO GLAD I DIDN’T!)
  4. Update my grade books because I stayed up late doing it last night!
  5. Input missing packets in grade book so kids are reminded to finish them at home (doing this during my prep today)

Five things I’m reading/listening to:

  1. Under the Influence (a podcast about influencers, which I read about in Momfluenced, which Sarah mentioned and I LOVED).
  2. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (listening on Boundless). I like this, but can’t seem to binge it.
  3. Take My Hand (listening on Libby) this is for book club and I’m not loving it. I just upped the speed to x1.5 for the first time in my life.
  4. VĂ©rtigo Horizontal (Spanish print book). I was gifted this a while back and am finally getting to it because it’s about Mexico City, and I’m going there in four weeks! Eek!
  5. Building a Second Brain (library print copy). Both SHU and Kae mentioned they read this so I put it on my holds list. I’m only just starting it. He certainly is promising a lot!

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