Weekend Recap: SFSketchFest

I refuse to start this with the same old “gah! I’m so behind” line because it’s so tiresome, except I am and I guess I just did.

But I am trying! Really am!

Friday afternoon I checked the dojo shift app and saw no one had approved my shift request to assist so I retracted it. I spent that time scoring packets and I’m so glad I did because that was the last I did for work all weekend.

Friday evening I deep cleaned my son’s room and vacuumed the living rooms within an inch of their lives. I think it worked because my sister never seemed to have a horrible allergy attack.

I was struck again with how little prep I needed to get the house presentable for my sister on Saturday and my parents on Sunday (they watched the kids for us Sunday night). I hope I can keep this level of tidiness up.

Both comedy shows on Saturday were great. I laughed very hard. My husband and I saw The State: Hits and Misses and then ate amazing pizza in North Beach between shows. Then my husband took our car home and my parents showed up in theirs and my sister met us in the line for the second show: Celebrity Autobiography. Both shows really were great.

After said show my parents dropped my sister and me at my house where we picked up my husband for dinner. The 10yo was wirh his other grandparents that night, and the 13yo was staying home alone. We went to one of my favorite nearby restaurants, which was recently written up in the New York Times! It was super yummy. Then we hit up a brand new bar that has some really interesting and unique cocktails. It was the only time I got to spend with my sister alone (well, without our parents) and it was a really fun night.

Sunday morning I had to wake up at 6 AM to get my daughter up and out the door and to her school by 7 AM for a robotics competition. It was brutal, but she was a really good sport about it. I was annoyed to get up so early on a weekend, but was also so relieved that I didn’t have to spend all day at the competition. (We all decided she would do better without either one us there.)

I tried to fall back asleep when I got home, but of course it didn’t happen. I still didn’t get out of bed until around 9 AM and then puttered around the house. My husband went to pick up our son around noon, and I got to stay home and work out. In the afternoon I met up with my sister at Japantown to do a little shopping. I brought my son so my husband could get a break, and because he LOVES Japantown.

By the time we got back from Japantown, my parents were already at the house. Our daughter was dropped off then too. My husband and I ate and then headed out the door to see a final comedy show. This one was comedians talking over and making fun of Fast X. I haven’t really seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, except Hobbes and Shaw, which I also saw with comedians making fun of it. I have to admit, Fast X is a crazy action movie. The stunt sequences are bonkerballs. The comedians had a lot to work with as far as poking fun at the acting and story lines, but we all appreciated the nuts car chases and fight scenes.

On the way home, my husband and I ran for, and caught, three different modes of public transportation, and made it from the middle of Chinatown back to our house on the south side of the city in a record breaking 28 minutes. It was an epic public transportation miracle, and also we can run really fast.

We got home pretty late and had some prep work to do for the rest of the week. My parents had left after the 10yo went to bed but the 13yo put herself to bed early too; she was zonked from the robotics competition.

My husband and I were in bed by 11pm, which felt like another miracle. We were commenting that so many moving parts needed to come together for the weekend to work, but they did and it was really fun, if a little exhausting.

My sister flew home Monday evening and now it’s back to normal life. Well, at least for four weeks until my husband and I head to Mexico City for our anniversary trip. Now that the house is in reasonable shape, and it’s a month away, I’m starting to get excited.

Of course I have to get through four weeks of work first…

1 Comment

  1. Wow!
    Grand amount of celebrating and enjoying. Lovely to hear it all went well.
    And congratulations on all the home work you achieved. Glad you see and acknowledge that it was and is good.

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