Peaks and Valleys
Monday my throat was on fire. I felt like absolute crap. I almost always get sick right after a prolonged period of stress. It’s pretty incredible how the...
Monday my throat was on fire. I felt like absolute crap. I almost always get sick right after a prolonged period of stress. It’s pretty incredible how the...
On Saturday I learned that a former student died of leukemia. He was in my class last year. He left school before the year was over, to receive treatments. He v...
Tis Friday, the last day of my spring break. I kept this day free of appointments and lunches and planned on taking it as a “sick day” to stay home ...
I’m writing this on Tuesday morning. In a few hours I’m meeting with my sister. We’re supposed to go for a hike, but it’s been sprinklin...
San Francisco’s Rec and Park summer camp registration opened this past Saturday at 10am. All over the city, eager parents sat at their computers, waiting ...
I know I’ve been writing some positive posts lately… and there have been some great things happening to be sure. But the truth is, I’m kind of...
I realized this winter that the sun never hits our patio in the backyard during the winter. In the summer we get sun on the patio all morning, but in the winter...
This week has been extra frenetic, which makes me reflect (even more than usual) on how I can simplify my life. The truth is, I’m not happy being as busy ...
My commute is 30-45 minutes long. It sometimes drives me crazy, but I can never deny how incredibly beautiful it is. There are two freeways that run the length ...
Tuesday was just what I needed. I was able go get a sub I know and like, so I wasn’t worried about things at school. I got a lot done–not everything...