A Great Deal
First off, the lice experts declared us clear! We supposed to do one last check in 5-7 days and then we should be good to go. Thank goodness, because today we s...
First off, the lice experts declared us clear! We supposed to do one last check in 5-7 days and then we should be good to go. Thank goodness, because today we s...
Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning my kids and I head to the local (ridiculously expensive) lice-experts to get our heads checked. The checks are free (during a short t...
The trip to St. Louis was a heady mixture of highs and lows. I want to record them because I might need a little reminding if we try to go again next year. THE ...
I have a few little ailments right now, just minor things that are bothering me. None of them is particularly significant, but together they are wearing my down...
Of course the answer to my question from earlier today is obvious. What is there to love about parenting? My kids. And I do love them. Fiercely. I can imagine y...
I love my children. I really do. And I can genuinely enjoy spending time with them, one on one, especially if it’s the weekend and we have some time and w...
A close friend from college is due in a couple of weeks and I’ve been chatting with her a lot about the crazy transformation she’s about to experien...
{So this post started one way, and ended another. And the way it ended felt pretty profound. It may seem like I figured all this stuff out already– I̵...
I’ve been struggling to force my thoughts into neat little lines, and the final middle class post remains unwritten. I think it’s okay though. I thi...
Holy shit, life has been busy. Lately the lack time has felt severe, to the point that I start to get panicky thinking of all the things I have to do and how fe...