Taking it easy
The procedure went well. At least I think it did. I was super out of it when my doctor debriefed me at the end. I’ve been trying really hard to take it ea...
The procedure went well. At least I think it did. I was super out of it when my doctor debriefed me at the end. I’ve been trying really hard to take it ea...
Tomorrow I’m having a procedure done that is supposed to resolve the scar tissue that never healed properly after my first vaginal birth resulted in a thi...
It’s hard to get on the elliptical machine in the evenings after picking up the kids. Instead I’ve been trying to run once a week before I pick them...
I’ve had astigmatism in my left eye since 6th grade. It keeps getting worse, but it never mattered much because my right eye was fine. I could see well ev...
I’m so tired of the way I react to certain things. Posts about how great someone’s life is, how over achieving someone’s kids are, how fabulou...
When I first considered traveling abroad with the kids this summer, I assumed I would fund the trip with the money we would be saving by not paying for day care...
Wednesdays are my least favorite work day. We have two block days a week this year, and Wednesday is our 2/4/6 day, which means I need to be at work right when ...
I struggle with delegating work to other people. This has always been a problem for me, in both my personal and professional life. It’s something I defini...
Last night was a success! It was crazy and exhausting and harder than I expected but in the end we raised $570 (a huge amount of money by our standards) and the...
Tonight our PTA is hosting a Parents’ Night Out to raise money. Parents pay $20 a kid ($15 for a sibling) and get 3.5 hours of childcare. We take them to ...