Some Good News

I’ve been so tired lately. Even enough I’m getting pretty decent nights with 7 hours of sleep, I’m dragging like crazy at work. I think it might be the weather (our 2nd week of gray and rain), or the carnival (only two more weeks and and so much more to do).

But there has been good news this week. A lot of good news, actually.

On Monday I asked my 7th and 8th graders if anyone would be willing to come up to the city and volunteer at my carnival. I honestly didn’t expect much response–it’s a 30+ minute drive one way and it’s the first day of their spring break–but the response was truly overwhelming. Over half of each class took the information to talk to their parents, and I’ve had 14 kids commit to helping. I am so touched by their willingness to help me with this. It restored a little faith in… I don’t know… everything.

This week we also learned that our son got into the TK program we applied to. I was genuinely shocked. I had pretty much written off the chance of that happening, so much so that I almost forgot the letters were coming this week.

It’s not a perfect situation, and we’re still not 100% sure he’ll go, but the prospect off saving $15K in child care next year makes me giddy. I’ll be sad to lose Spanish Immersion, and I know he’ll miss his friends, but I do think TK will be a better fit for him than a 4th year at his preschool, where they aren’t well equipped for older kids who no longer nap. Also, did I mention saving $15K?!

There was also the OST (Out of School Time – basically after care program) to get into, and I’m not 100% sure that happened, but I’m pretty confident I turned my two massive packets in early enough to get a space.

Once I felt pretty sure the TK/OST program was a go, I bought my tickets to Nicaragua.

I have to admit, I am equal parts terrified and excited about it, I think mostly because I’m not sure yet of our itinerary. But the tickets were as cheap as I’d seen them in over a month of checking, and now that I know we can afford it, I pulled the trigger. My husband thinks I’m crazy–What if you decide you don’t want to go?!–but I know this is so important to me that it’s not so much about wanting to go, but needing to. Traveling to Spanish speaking countries has been part of “the plan” since before I had kids; it’s a reflection of my deepest desires and my most cherished goals and I need to start making it happen, even if it scares me.

Oh, and my daughter got into all the cool camps we wanted for the four weeks we are actually in town this summer.

So yeah, lots of good news this week.

And it’s Friday!

Any good news to share?


  1. That *is* good news! So exciting!

    My birthday was this week — Wednesday — and it has been great hearing from friends with good wishes. 🙂

  2. Yea for good news! That’s awesome all the positive things happening for you right now. The biggest news from me is that my husband is returning home tonight after being in Ireland for a week. And today I finished a 30-day squat challenge that I’m super proud of myself for doing. Day 1 was 50 squats and day 30 was 250.

  3. Asking your students to volunteer was such a good idea! I’m glad you’re getting some help from them. Congrats on all the other good news — I’m glad you committed to the trip!

  4. Yay for good news! Yay for middle schoolers helping & presumably bringing parents with them! My good news is my sibling’s divorce happened in a week. I’m so glad it didn’t get dragged out with dog custody battling or other monkey business (sib-in-law cheated x4+ months prior to discovery).

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