Parental Involvement
I chose to become a teacher, in part, so I would have more flexibility in the afternoons to participate in my kids lives. I wanted to be available to meet with ...
I chose to become a teacher, in part, so I would have more flexibility in the afternoons to participate in my kids lives. I wanted to be available to meet with ...
This was not my first NaBloPoMo and I’m sure it won’t be last. I always appreciate coming to this space more in November, and I hope that I’ll...
We spent Thanksgiving at my parents’ house. It ended up being a rather pleasant day; my husband and I both remarked at how much easier it is to enjoy an a...
After a valiant effort to keep my head above water this past week, I can feel myself slipping. I have to get serious now about actively keeping myself out of a ...
I remember back when I tracked my time for a week thinking, well it’s interesting to see how much time I spend on everything, but this isn’t really ...
I’m drowning in paperwork right now. The end of the trimester is Friday and I’m really hoping not to spend most of my Thanksgiving break grading pap...
I am meeting a friend from my old neighborhood this morning. Walking through the dog park where I spent so many hours with my daughter in the first two years of...
I’m struggling to find the words right now. I’m not even attempting my morning pages. I’ve been sick since Wednesday. And not just sick of spi...
This election has hurdled me into a tail spin of anxiety. To combat the horrible feelings of doom, I’ve done a lot of sticking my head in the sand. I know...
I remember when the hour we got at the end of Daylight Savings Time felt like a gift. A whole extra hour to do with as I pleased. Now I dread how this day drags...